Power of Attorney lets you arrange for someone you trust to manage your finances on your behalf. You may want to do this due to a change in your health or a change in your circumstances, such as moving abroad. You may not need someone to help you now, but you can set up a Power of Attorney for the future, just in case.
There are different types of Power of Attorney, and you may want to arrange more than one:
Ordinary Power of Attorney
Ordinary Power of Attorney is typically used to cover a temporary period, such as a hospital stay. Ordinary Power of Attorney can only be used while you can make your own decisions.
Lasting Power of
Lasting Power of Attorney is typically used to give someone the legal authority over your finances if you lose your mental capacity or no longer want to make a decision yourself. You can also plan for it to come into force at a future time.
Court of Protection
Court of Protection is used when you lose your mental capacity and have no Power of Attorney in place. The Court of Protection can appoint someone to make decisions on your behalf. The UK government has provided some useful guidance on this process.
Third party access
Ordinary Power of Attorney
Lasting Power of Attorney
Court of Protection
Third party access gives you the ability to nominate a third party to act on your behalf. They will be able to discuss details of your agreement with us in full but will not be able to make any changes to the agreement. This can only be done with your authorisation. Please complete the Third Party Authorisation Form if you wish to authorise a third party to act on your behalf.
Need to change an existing Power of Attorney registration?
If you need us to, we can revoke, amend or update attorney details that have already been registered. Please contact our dedicated Specialist Support team on 0800 085 1474.